Monday, May 30, 2016

What Went Wrong With Maria Vendelez

Ok, the second session of play with Maria just kind of fell flat. It wasn't enjoyable, and I wasn't able to really engage. We got caught up in a beuracratic mess that didn't really accomplish anything. And when we got to the next adventure, it didn't seem to be any better. The system isn't really generating good adventures for Maria.

What Did We Hope Maria Would be Doing?

Why isn't Maria's set of adventures living up to what we hoped? I actually intended for this to be a pivotal part of the game: the interaction at headquarters between Centrum, Infinity, and PRC forces. So what was I imagining maria doing?
  • I wanted a big picture view of the war. In fact, I wanted to direct the war in ways like choosing when its time to launch the all out attack, and in devising strategies. I wanted to decide to steal entire factories, recruit junkrats from japan to help with hacking, decide whether to risk sticking any satellites in space and how to best put boots on the ground. I wanted to fight a war, not just battles, and I wanted to be creative about it.
  • I imagined intrigue where both sides try to pull crap on each other to gain an advantage, and where both sides make honest overtures of peace and friendship. Every person, be they on your side or not, would be a potential friend and a potential danger.
  • Plots should be much longer than those of folks on the ground. Treason should effect long running relationships, not short ones. Foiling a plot by someone shouldn't end in their dismissal, but in long running tensions, increased resources, and political ammunition.

What does that Mean for the Game?

Maria should spend a lot of 'adventures' deciding what needs to happen in other parts of the game. She should be free to sit down and pour over successes, struggles, and failures of the other threads.
Maria needs hard numbers for the war. We have hard numbers for other parts of this game, so we need stats for morale back home, tension between opposing forces, resources coming in, and so forth.
Maria needs a supporting cast. A strong supporting cast. People to oppose plans, suggest ideas, and participate in cloak and dagger. She will spend a lot of time talking, not fighting, and her cast should be fairly static.

Action in Maria's sphere shouldn't be forced. It should flow naturally out of actions by the other groups, and occasionally by serious, high profile threats. Which means mechanism for introducing intrigue is needed. The intrigue should always be high stakes -- Stakes that effect the grand situation between Infinity, Centrum, Homeline Governments, and steel.

I'm not entirely sure that Maria is the right character. So far she's come off as a paper-pusher, not a general. Making her story line work do what I want may do a good deal of damage to the character. So I'm going to need to create a new character that will do what I want: someone with a lot of organizational power -- they'll be reporting to their equals in other organizations and higher ups who are off world and possibly civilians.

So I'm going to do a lot of world building, and quite soon: We'll need a true leader of the infinity effort. We'll need a way to keep track of the political situation, and we'll need to pull out actual numbers for what's going through Ceasefire.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Aylo Session 2: Potents in Dark Alleys

Aylo has the previously hostile soldier rooted in place. Winds whip around them both, and he demands what the soldier knows about Gilrun and Elsena. The soldiers calls out what he knows--
We know Elsena has been seen -- has Gilrun? No.
When was Elsena last seens (does he know)? Yes, and ... she was last seen 10 days ago, just before she should have headed back.
Was she picked up because she used combat?  No
Item of interest investigating: bloodline
"I... She was last seen 10 days ago. We haven't seen her since. She was seen in the palace. That's all I know! don't kill me!"

Aylo isn't sure of how to best deal with this, but hisses at the soldier "Run!" The elf scurries away, and Aylo walks away with only a slight breeze at his back. Hirbrit returns to Aylo's side "That was less subtle than I was hoping for."

Aylo: "When they catch you in disguise, subtly isn't an option."
Hirbrit: "Where are we planning to go now?"
Aylo: "They saw her here on the last day. That means that whatever happened, it happened here. I should check a few more family contacts. Its possible that they found new friends, but on the schedule they were on, I doubt it."

Aylo checks with more contacts.
Does he find any folks that seem to have had contact? Yes
And the folks still there? (+1 to solo6) Yes, but... there's a complication
Is it a complication related to his parents staying there? (+1 to solo6) Yes, and... oh dear
What's behind the complication? Local Authorities (2), Hostile Potents (2), or Other (2) ? Hostile Potents. obviously not there, but still interfereing
How are they interfering? Left Troops (1), Injuries/ Property Damage (2), Hostile Spell (2), or something else (2)?  Injuries/Property Damage
Are these physical or mystical in nature? Mystical
Which of the following? Property damage predominates (2), Injuries Predominate (2), A mix of Both (3)? Both
Is the damage Local Magic (alternative Potent Magic)? No, and... They've seen the potent.
Group Size: Partnership
Are they still alive? Yes, but.. one is dying
Are they family (alternative business partners, solo+1). Yes
Exact Relationship (Spouses, Parent/Child, Siblings, Grandparent/child, Uncle/Aunt/Nephew, farther)? Spouses.
Race? (Goblin, Waspfolk, Elves)? Waspfolk
Which gender is injured worse? Male
Eyldan (Husband) Magic, At Work, Awkward, Auburn Red Hair, Frowns, Suprisingly talented at something trivial, Hope/Fear:Sex
Kala (Wife) Physically Active, Leggy, Golden Blonde Hair, Brushes Hair back, Richer than they seem, Hope/Fear:Family
Initial Loyalty:  6+4 (good treatment, general loyalty and these folks are in an old relationship)
Fire and Water Blaster / Summoner. Foreign, Staring into Space, Wrinkled, Reedy Voice, Frowns
World Magic Type:  Slow Healing, Wither Limb, complex illusion -- body control and illusion
Is reason for attack obvious?  No, But... its obviously related to Gilrun and Elsena
Wow that's an info dump!

As Aylo and Hirbrit approach Eyldan and Kala's home, its immediately obvious something has happened here. The wasp-mage's home is charred and blackened, having been burned to the ground. Only blackened poles stand in the place where it stood. Aylo has been there several times before. He knew something was up, but this is something of a shock. He enters a nearby shop for more information. The owner looks up? "Yes?"
  Elf, Glowing, Freindly Face, Head tilted back
  Sveigrior (wasp), Very Attractive body, Inappropriate Clothes, Frowns
Aylo: "I was looking for Eyldan and Kala's shop -- it isn't the one that burned down is it?"

Shopkeeper: "I'm sorry to say that it is. You'll need to (good vs bad -- good) check in at the paper monger, seven shops down. Sveigrior knows those two from way back, and they're staying with him at the moment."

Aylo: "What happened?"
Reaction Roll: 6
Shopkeeper: "I don't want anything to do with that mess. Ask someone else. I don't want my shop burned down"

Aylo mulls over his next step. This is quite likely related to his parents disappearance. Eyldan and Kala are still alive, but they've never been more than business acquaintances -- they are as likely to be hostile as this shopkeeper -- or more so. But they also have vital details about what happened. Not getting that information from them is not an option. He could try sneaking around and listening in on what they say, but that would take too much time and not be precise enough. And he's not particularly good at that sort of thing.

Loyalty Roll: 10 (Base Loyalty) - 4 (lost shop is worth more than a year's income) -1 (unexpected danger) vs 12 -- failure by 7.

Aylo walks up to the papermaker and looks for Eyldan. He sees only Kala, who reacts by jumping up and rushing up the stairs into the privacy of her host's living space. Aylo doesn't have much in the way of money on him, but he buys a few sheathes of paper anyways.
"Could I talk to Eyldan and Kala?"
Sveigrior : "It appears that you can't. At least not until you talk to me."

Alyo :" I'm a long term business contact looking for information about colleagues of mine I believe your friends saw. In this case my parents."

Sveigrior : "And this has nothing to do with the attempted murder of Eyldan?"

Aylo: "I don't know. Its quite possible that it does. In which case I have as much cause for concern as they do, if not more."

Diplomacy 12 vs 11

Sveigrior pauses, and his antennae and mandibles tilt down and away in a very frown-like expression. "And what if you're the only reason they were attacked?"

Aylo grimaces: "Then I owe them and I can at least apologize."

Sveigrior goes up the stairs are returns with Kala. Kala doesn't wait to get down the stairs before launching into a tirade about how Aylo and his family ruined her life, that they had no right to bring this down on her head, that Eyldan was going to die and it would be completely his fault. She hoped he fell off a mountain and was eaten alive by vultures on the way down.

Aylo listens to the tirade, then says "I'm sorry. What happened?"

Kala: "We were attacked! Attacked by a strange --- I don't know what he was. Like a wrinkly goblin with an elves skin and round ears. He dressed in black and red and he burned our house down and -- You brought this man, didn't you! This monster raining fire and death. You owe us. It will take months for Eyldan to heal. If he even survives!"

Aylo: "Yes, I owe you. We will pay you back. And your husband's best hope of recovery is for me to find Elsena."

Kala: "What does finding the witch have anything to do with anything else?"

Aylo: "She's a healer without parallel. The greatest in the world. If anyone can heal him, Its my mother."

Kala: "Your scourge bringing mother left just before we were attacked. Odd timing I'd say!"

Aylo: "Yes, strange timing. Did your monster give a name?"

Kala: "No, he just showed up and started throwing fire around."

Aylo takes out his money pouch, counts out $20 of coins, and gives the rest to Kala: "You need this more than I do."

Kala:" This is a drop in the bucket of the pain you've caused me."

Aylo: "No, that's me helping someone who just lost their home. When I decide to repair the damage, you'll know it. But first I have to find Elsena."

Kala: "Thanks for nothing!"

Aylo leaves, and Hirbrit follows. "Was that a potent that attacked?" The goblin asks? Hirbrit knows a lot about politics and people, but Aylo's training in the lore of Potents came from his parents. Hidden Lore 12 vs 12 -- success! Aylo recognizes the attacker as a potent.

Aylo: "Yes, that's a potent. We've entered a war. And by we I mean me and my parents. Nations can be used as pawns in these things. You're a good teacher, but I don't want to get you killed. Do you want to stay here or on your home world?"

It should be pointed out at this time that Hirbrit is a Hirling, not an ally. A highly trusted hireling, but he does have a loyalty score and make loyalty rolls. We're going to assign Hirbrit a loyalty of 15 (though its normally higher via circumstance modifiers). This roll is at -4 -- he was never expected to help in a war. 11 vs 10 -- his loyalty prevails! Perhaps this has to do that part of his 'pay' is companionship and protection.

Hirbrit: "I'm staying with you to make sure you don't get over your head."

Aylo: "That's... thank you Hirbrit. I will appreciate your expertise." He sighs. "There are no potents here anymore. I don't know that I'll be tracking down my parents."

Hirbrit: "I think we'll mostly be tracking down weapons for you to use. And staying ahead of this potent."

Aylo: "If they both hid, it was more than one."

Hirbrit: "Then we'll stay ahead of all of them."

And that feels like a good place to stop.  In fact, this feels like the end of the adventure. And a very lucky experience roll gives Aylo 2 experience points -- which he will save towards buying hirbrit as a proper ally.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Session 1: Aylo's Search

Aylo and Hirbrit are on a hunting trip over the ocean when the trigger for adventure calls
Does Aylo sense an unidentified Potent? No, but...
Does a warning from his parents come through? No, but...
Gilrun and Elsena said they'd be back in five days. Its been 15. The two are roasting a large fish over a fire on a cliff overlooking the sea.

Aylo: "They've been late before, but never this late, on this short of a trip. I'm beginning to get worried."

Hirbrit: "There are many reasons such a delay could happen, both those of opportunity and those of inconvenience."

Aylo: "Does opportunity explain this? Three times the stay has already passed, and the time given was very precise. This would be an occasion of inconvenience."

Hirbrit: "Then we shall be inconvenienced. Probably less so than your esteemed parents."

Aylo: "Perhaps I should look in on them."

Hirbrit: "That is a bold decision. Explain your thoughts."

Aylo: "This isn't one of your carefully thought out puzzles! Its a feeling. I ought to go and ... do something."

Hirbrit: "I do not give you puzzles to entertain myself. This puzzle is all the more important in that I did not create it out of thin air. Explain your reasoning."

Aylo scowls and prepares his thoughts. Or rather fabricates the reasons he should go. "I should use the high oratory style then?"

Hirbrit: "You audience is myself and yourself. You could try demeaning us with demagoguery."

Aylo: "Oh, lets see -- Five nights ago, the esteemed and mighty Gilrun and Elsena left to perform a task. A simple task. One so simple that though it would take over a hundred hours, they gave an exact time of return. They have not returned. Either of them. Nor have they sent message. Let us consider why they would do such a thing."

Hirbrit: "Now perhaps we will consider more that just this point."

Aylo : " Stop heckling. Where was I? oh yes. Perhaps they found an opportunity. An item of power they can bind to themselves. But would that not requires merely one of them? And if it required two of them, and took an extreme amount of time, would they not have sent a message? perhaps not leaving all of the way to our location, but surely they would send some message. Thus we can conclude that this is not an opportunity, as they would have left some message--"

Hirbrit: "You're leaving out a possibility, Aylo."

Aylo: "Really? if it was a short opportunity, they'd be back by now. If it was a long one, they'd have sent a message."

Hirbrit: "You disappoint me."

Aylo: "You leave me flabbergasted. This is not a lesson. This is a serious matter about the well-being of my parents, and you want me to wade through this sea-scum you call logic."

Hirbrit: "Logic is for serious matters, young master. It is only sea-scum when you fail to apply it properly. In what case would your parents take a long opportunity and yet not send a message?"

Aylo: "If...If.. I can't think!  blast you goblin! I'm worried and you want me to answer some hypothetical. Yes, yes, I know. The hypothetical has great bearing on the matter troubling me. Or something like that. Umm... because they didn't care enough to send a message? They didn't realize they'd be gone so long? They're all ridiculous!

Hirbrit: "Take your thoughts seriously Alyo, and they will guide you well."

Aylo. "They didn't realized they'd be gone so long, or they didn't care. They obviously care. They may care about the mission more, but... they'd find way. They are very resourceful. Though it may only have gotten partially here, which means a message would be waiting somewhere."

Hirbrit: "And what about your other thought?"

Aylo: "If they didn't realize how long they'd be gone then ... Then I supposed they'd still be there. But that is a small chance. If we wave away everything based on that, then we may as well sit here eating fish on a cliff until I grow a beard and you die of old age."

Hirbrit: "The High Oratory style, remember?"

Aylo: "Logic may be useful here, but high oratory? its just you and me! we're trying to figure out what's going on with my parents and. Correction. I'm trying to figure out what's going on with my parents and you're worried that I'm not using high Oratory."

Hirbrit: "You're not even using proper demagoguery."

Aylo: "Fine. But even should they have sent no message, even if unexpected forces have conspired to force them into disguise and a concealment of their powers for a full 15 days -- acting upon their absence will not hurt their cause. To confirm that they are in disguise is simple, and all parties are accomplished at disguise. In most cases merely identifying their presence from afar will be sufficient. But let us examine the other case -- the alternative, that they have been delayed by what we have lightly deemed 'inconvenience' "

Hirbrit mutters something about "Demagoguery."

Aylo: "And you complained I wasn't using it before. But this is a weightier matter. What manner of inconvenience could hold back an experienced Potent like Elsena Goodwitch for 10 days. Particularly when she was with in the company of Gilrun Stonemaker? At a surface, the possible reasons are myriad. But we can dismiss most out of hand. This is not a delay caused by weather. It is in fact, caused by danger to something external they care for, or by danger to themselves. A Potent is always mobile, unless faced by something sufficient to endanger them."

"Thus either they are pinned down trying to save something or someone, or they are of themselves, in danger. Should they be pinned down saving something in such a way they cannot spare the magic or minutes to send a message, my aid will be most welcome. Should they be in danger, is it not better for us to know now, rather than wait for the danger to come seeking us?"

Hirbrit: "That is sufficient for now. I will critique your form on our way to find them."

Aylo: "You're not going to argue?"

Hirbrit: "I was convinced for a while now. But it was important that you come to this conclusion yourself, and that you think it through properly."

Aylo: "Some day I'm going to hit you with a lightning bolt on purpose."

Hirbrit groans and gets slowly to his feet "only after my heart stops." He leans heavily on his walking stick. "Lets go."
Which world are his parents on?
Mountains and Clouds
what inhabits this world? roll normally
What races are on that world? Classic Races TL 2
Elves (Feudal  Beastfolk (waspfolk) Goblins
How many cultures (1d3):  1
Feudal Multipolar
Name: Gontolan
Do the mountains float? Yes. Oh good.
What's the clime? Temperate+Coastal
Does one race dominate? Yes, but... there are exceptions
Does it dominate through numbers (alternative military might) Yes.
Goblins dominate
Aylo takes to the sky, and Hirbrit follows. He gathers his power, and storm cloulds gather around him, lightning flashes, and all at once, he is gone. Gone to a different world. Gone to Gontolan.

Gontolan is a land of floating mountains and soaring clouds -- one of Aylo's favorite. They arrive in the midst of a storm cloud, and fly out of it. As Aylo has been to this world before, he's within a few miles of where he wants to be -- the city his parents started from. Aylo stretches out his senses to try and sense his parents: 12 vs 9 -- success by 3. By 8 if he takes his time, which he does. This lets him sense Potents within 1,000 miles of him.
Does he sense his parents? No, and...
Does he sense another Potent? No.
Name of the City? Estabranth
Major Race: Mixed City
"I can't sense them anywhere. Where are they?"

Hirbrit: "We could try searching the city to find out if anyone has seen them. I don't know if they were trying to disguise themselves or not."

Aylo: "But why would they gone? Their business was in Estabranth, and they gave an exact estimation of how long things would take. That means they aren't on a wild dragon chase off through the worlds."

Hirbrit: "We walked through this before..."

Aylo: "They weren't planning to go on a wild dragon chase through the worlds. Ok, we have more information, lets think where they are. They aren't in Estabranth. They could either be on a different world, or they could be somewhere else on this world. Or ... I suppose they could be in some magical effect that disguises their presence. That last one is rare. If they are on a different world, I can only assume that'd it be due to other potents. If they didn't let me know first its likely the potents are present. That's a scary thought. If they are still on this world, but far enough away from their starting point that I can't sense them, they're in disguise in the midst of some crazy crusade that started here. I don't know which one is more likely."

Hirbrit: "Then we take precautions for both. Are there any things you should do if they are under cover for a long period of time?"

Aylo: "Stay... Stay out of their way. I can be helpful, but not when I know this little about what's going on."

Hirbrit: "And if they're dealing with potents?"

Aylo pales "Then I lie low and avoid them."

Hirbrit: "Exactly."

Aylo: "Not to sound rebellious, but that's not what I want to do. I want to know what's going on, and I want to help. I'm going to track them down at least to the point where they go undercover. Any Potents currently around aren't here right now. We can find out more information quite simply."

Hirbrit looks like he's going to say something, then waves the hand not on his stick: "As you wish".

Aylo and Hirbrit approach Estabranth on foot. Aylo brings up his hood to disguise his face... he'll be taken for an elf in this city if they can't see his ears clearly. The city buzzes with activity.
Why does the city exist (trade, trade, politics, industry, trade/politics, trade/industry)? Politics. Its a local capital
Have his parents stopped by any of their normal contacts in the city (Solo6 skewed for success) Yes, and... Ok, multiples.
NPC: Agriculture, Gloomy or Sad, Smooth, Wheedling Voice, Looks rapidly from person to person, Makes terrible life decisions, Hope/Fear:Sex, Waspfolk, female, Name: MiLok.
Are wasp folk hive structured? No, but ... they tend to live in bigger groups than other species.
What did they talk to MiLok about? A brewing War
A war with who? Rastior, to the north. Goblins
Rastior government: Dictatorship (Bipoloar)
Estabranth government: Different -- feudal empire with satalites
Stage of Conflict: Trying to back down.
Is it be coming more likely (alternative less likely) 
Alyo stops by MiLok, a waspling that his mother is fond of and with an ear for gossip. MiLok is surprized to see Aylo, but invites him in. She reports she did see his parents.

MiLok: "Elsena and Gilrun visited me what, thirteen days ago? They wanted to know about the trouble with the goblins up north. The buggers waylaid another caravan. The governor ought to show those filth a lesson! Merchants can't be safe until Rastior stops protecting them. I think Elsena saw what I was saying. They were certainly interested in the whole thing."

Hirbrit: "Did they head up north?" (does she know? No).

MiLok: "I don't know. I never  know where you people are headed off to."

Aylo: "Thank you very much. You saw them last 13 days ago? Thank you."

As they leave, Aylo wonders if his parents headed to Riastor or to higher contacts in Estabranth. Or even if they went to try and settle things with the raiders.
Do they have contacts in the local government? No, and... They're really not all that fond of the government here, and their classical personas are known to feel that way.
Aylo decides to see if the guard has had any run-ins with his parents. MiLok hasn't heard of anything that matches their description (rolled 13 on current affairs) so Aylo decides to try asking the guard itself. He rolls vs acting to pass himself off as someone in the know, and demands if they've made any progress on finding Gilrun or Elsena. He... rolls 16 on the acting roll. Oh dear.
Is he recognized? No, but... they're pretty sure he's not friendly.
And public speaking -2 to see if he get the information anyways... vs 11 is a bare success!
Aylo: "I need a report on Gilrun Stonemaker. His activities recently have us quite worried."

Soldier: "On Gilrun... Surely you mean Elsena? What has Gilrun to do with? Who sent you?"

Aylo: "The captain of the third company. He needs to coordinate with everyone else."

Soldier: "oh, the third company. If you want to know, you'll need to talk to our commander himself. We've made good progress though. " (Streetwise fails by two. Tactics succeeds by one).
Are the soldiers all the same race? Yes, but... that's just happenstance
What's the race? Elves. not what I expected.
Aylo recognizes the soldiers are moving into position to strike at him. So he strikes first. Lightning arcs out away from him towards 4 of the 5 soldiers. In an area attack like this, its an automatic hit for each, but they get a defense -- but must make an IQ roll to react in time. Only one of them makes the IQ roll, though he makes the dodge, leaping out of the way (and is now prone). 3d burning arcs through each of the three unfortunate warriors. doing 6,14, and 9 points of damage. the second two fail knockdown checks. The third is stunned by the bolt passing through his chest.

Hirbrit is off to the street side, watching Aylo display his power. The front-most soldier drives a spear towards Aylo's chest (potential hit). Aylo leap/flies backwards away from the tip. (successful dodge). He whips up winds around himself, forming a shield of violent air, and causing his hair and clothing to flap dramatically. The elf soldier who had dodged the lightening is up and near his squad leader. They attempt to attack Aylo at the same time, one from each side. Aylo brings up his hands and a wall of wind crashes into the soldiers. The leader takes 24 knockback, and is thrown back 3 yards, but being an elf (with perfect balance), he keeps his feet. The other elf takes much less of a hit, only 10 knockback. The effect isn't temporary -- its a permanent gust of wind protecting him. The two elves look at Aylo in something akin to fear, then turn tail to run. Their comrades are still recovering.

They're still in range. Alyo launches another wave of electric strikes. Both dodges fail and the bolts strike true. Volts of energy do 13 and 14 damage each. Both elves fall to the ground. Aylo looks at the last elf, the one he stunned, and growls: "Don't run. I need to talk to you." He doesn't have intimidation, but the threat of force just given was pretty impressive. 12 (will) - 5 (default) +4 (show of force) vs 9 is a success. The elf doesn't move, but just watches in terror as a potent displaying his power floats up next to him.

And we'll end the session there.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Infinite Steel, Mission 2: Maria Vendez

Our second adventure will involve a new character, this time from Infinity Unlimited: Maria Vendez, an infinity grand strategist from the US.
Central Plot at Stake
Peril starts at 1
Protect A valuable object at +1 peril for reward only for Low Rates With Gratitude with No particular Rush thats Its Here! (1d6-2 Hours, 1 hour tick)
From: Internal Conflict, agent is soldier or thug
Maria will spend almost all of her time on ceasefire. Protecting an object is strange until we remember she's dealing with intrigue. And in this case its a more martial foe she's up against. Lets consult the dice for more details 
Is the object intrinsically valuable (as opposed to sensitive)?  Yes, but ... its also sensitive
Is the object in her possession? No, But... it appears like she has it
Is the object involved in something criminal? No, but folks aren't quite being ethical
Who will get hurt if the object is lost (rolling vs faction): Local Criminal Organizer
Ahh, The plot thickens... is this a military object? Yes. but... not exactly a weapon.
Is this extra-world tech? No, but it still shouldn't be transferred under standard rules
Is this a SQUID? No
Oh wow, is this an advanced robot brain? Yes
Is Maria responsible for this mess? Yes, but ... It was a matter of timing.
Is the Criminal Organizer on Steel? No
The AI brain of a centurion robot (high level overseer) has been captured. Maria is currently in the custody battle for possession of it -- but she has already sent it to be analyzed by an expert that's kind of in cahoots with infinity on Quantum 6 -- he does a lot of extra-world computers analyzing for them.

Trying to get a hold of the AI core is:
Jonathan Huling: Dislike, Lanky, Quiet Voice, Winks, Very limited social circle, Of the United States (new york)
Jonathan is trying to get authorization take the core out to the open rock of the far side of ceasefire, power it up, and observe its reactions.

Maria gets a roll to see if she gets wind of this before the decision to move the robot is made. She has profession skill (patrol) and administration, both at 13. Administration will be complementary, Peril is 2. Both are critical successes! Maria is present when Jonathan presents his request to the guy with the actual power to make the relocation. He doesn't know that the person requesting the data is her.

The request is made to...
Zorin Ilyich: Staccato, Puffy Face, Big Open Gestures, Local, born and bred, Russian, male, 45-50
A portly Russian man who's never worked outside of logistics on lifeless rocks. Maria bides her time: she doesn't want Huling to know who exactly objects so strongly to the request. She heads back to the office and considers her options.
  • She can argue against the request directly
  • She can try and get Huling more work so that he is pulled off of this job
  • She can try and stall for as long as possible while she gets the centurion back!
  • She can make a case for why her use of the core is already legitimate
In the end, gathering more information seems to be the best option. She is going to try and hit up Zorin for more information. Lets see what the relationship between the two is -- 5+1=6. Oh wow, that's a terrible roll. Zorin and Maria have a longstanding bad relationship. She does not want Zorin to realize he'd be taking the thing from her, or he's likely to more the AI core out of spite.

Maria instead decides to chat up an underling who might know about the request. -- we've transitioned to a 'convince!' adventure (and noted so we can apply the appropriate plot twist). Maria tries to identify the appropriate underling (roll vs administration supported by saviore faire and professional skill). She know the right position, and some well placed chit chat with others identifies that Emma Mathews is the girl to talk to.
Emma Mathews : Reading, Thin, Friendly Face, Rests Chin in Palm, Clever than thy appear, British, 40 to 44
Emma puts down her book. "Can I help you?"
Maria starts talking about logistics on and off the world in general terms, pretending she needs a better understanding of the subject -- trying to steer the conversation to the centurion. Fast Talk 16-2(peril) vs 7. The basic reaction roll is 13 -- Emma likes Maria, furthermore, her loyalty to Zorin is an 8. Emma tells Maria what Zorin is planning to do with the Centurion:
Is the centurion headed towards Huling? No, But Zorin is seriously considering it.
Does Zorin know that Maria is the one arranging for the Centurion to be sent off site? Yes, and ... Emma is also aware of who Maria is!
This is not what Maria wanted! She keeps calm and keeps on talking.

Maria: "You can see why I'm stalking in to talk then..."
Emma: "Yes, I can see quite clearly."
Maria: "Well I'd like to make sure that the core doesn't get waylaid. I've already made a deal with the local expert. I like to keep good relations with our contacts."
Emma: "And you can't wait for 48 hours while Huling runs his test?"
Maria: "In this case, yes. I can get the AI core back to Huling, but for reasons I really shouldn't discuss I need to get the core to him as soon as possible."
Emma: "You've painted yourself into a corner then."
Maria: "Corner? no. A unsatisfactory situation? yes. Could you mention its possible to get the  core back after its been looked at?"
Diplomacy  16 -2 (peril) vs 6 -- success!
Emma: "Yes, I can run that by him. Any reasons I should give for taking that route?"
Maria: "Oh, I can think of several. The most pressing of which is the possibility of the device being damaged when testing is done on it out in the open. Another being that dedicated experts deserve the first crack at this, while its in as close to the state of capture as possible."
Emma: "Oh, I think I can work with those."

Maria is happy with this discussion, but isn't sure that it will be enough. There is still delaying Huling and preparing to stall... but what's the likely result of the work already done? As it turns out, Maria has psychology, which is definately appropriate, and administration can be the complementary skill. Administration 13 vs 10 and psychology 13 - 2 (peril) +1 (administration) vs 8 yeild that she has a good idea of how the argument will go down!

Emma saviore faire (patrol) 12 +1 (maria complementary diplomacy) vs Zorin will 11 +2 (boss) -- its a 50% chance. Since she succeeded by so much on the pyschology roll, we'll give her a 75% chance of getting it right -- a 5 and an 8! she thinks its good enough, all things considered, but when its time if the die rolls 14 or higher she'll have been wrong, and we'll reroll the argument. She wants a backup plan. But what?

 Perhaps she could arrange for a request from higher up to expedite the shipment. But then they'd get involved and find that she has already shipped off the core. She could also make a confusing paper trail so that if she has to return it she can send people looking for where it was misplaced rather than investigating why she sent the thing off early. She decides to go with that route -- administration with saviorre faire and professional skill (patrol) complementing: PS (patrol) 14 vs 9, SF (patrol) 14 vs 5, Administration 13-2(peril) +2 (complementaries) vs 12 is a success! It won't buy much time, but it will help.

There is little to do now except send the message to send the core back and to hope the conversation between Maria and Zorin goes well. And... It does! Maria convinces Zorin its a bad idea let a soldier play around with the core before the experts look at it. Rolling for if the core was what it seemed, we find that it was. Its the core of a centurion, and the folks off-world find it most intriguing. Have I not built that world yet--- lets fix that:
Asghar Gatta: Persian, Nobility, Admiring, Reedy, Plump Face, Furrowed brows, Surprisingly open-minded, Hope/Fear:Violence
TL8 Alternate Geography +, Islamic MultiPolar 3 Feudal
Oh wow, this is not a simple crook in a corner with a computer: this is a determined follow with aspirations -- violent aspirations. I can only assume infinity at least doesn't find his goals detrimental -- lets say he is trying to start a civil war for a regime change. Lets call the world Sinbad-5. Its named that mostly for its odd geography. interestingly, Mecca is still in the same place.

How about that reward? Its generous! we get +20% social and financial. Of course, the client was herself, but this means that both Gatta and Emma are useful contacts we can call on in the future, and no further mess is coming of this. At least, none that throw aspirations on here character. Our "now what?" roll leads into another adventure... 
Escort a person at +1 peril for reward only for Standard Rates, Fame and Glory with Reward is Dwindling! (-10% per unit of time) thats Nearby ( 1d3 days, 12 hour tick)
Is this person from Sinbad-5? No
Are they from Steel? No, but... they would fit in with steel.
Umm... Are they from Infinity?... No, but... keep along those lines...
They're from centrum, aren't they? Yes.
Clement Oliveira: Travler/Tansit, Celebrating, Smooth, Heart-shaped Face, Catchphrase, Generally disliked around here, Hope/Fear:Disease, female
Its mentioned that Maria really ought to have looked into centrum's people -- they have an AI expert who was just waiting for a core to come in. Some infinity folks have a problem with sharing such data with their "allies".

But that's a different matter, for another day...